here is a review of the latest Time magazine article. I am currently working on a review of this trash article and should have it up in a few days but this is a fellow CSA patriots review of the article:
-Matt Bowden-
Time Magazine’ claims South in ‘denial’ over cause of war
'Time' publishes hit piece against the South
It you are looking for some good Northern propaganda that casts Lincoln and his Union army which invaded the seceded Southern States in the 1860s as holy warriors fighting for the noble cause of social justice and freedom for slaves… then look no further! The new Time Magazine edition has just what you’re looking for. Its cover even goes the extra mile and has a picture of Lincoln crying over the debate today over the cause of Lincoln’s war. In fact, the entire article is an apology for the Union cause, blasting Southerners again and again as being in “denial” about the true “facts” of the conflict from the anti-Southern perspective. Leftist writer David von Drehle writes in the piece:[D]enial plays a part, especially in the South. After the war, former Confederates wondered how to hold on to their due pride after a devastating defeat. They had fought long and courageously; that was beyond question. So they reverse-engineered a cause worthy of those heroics.He continues in this manner throughout the article, making one anti-Southern blanket statement after another:
The process of forgetting, and obscuring, was long and layered. Some of it was benign, but not all. It began with self-justifying memoirs by defeated Confederate leaders and was picked up by war-weary veterans on both sides who wanted to move on.Von Drehle uses US nationalistic rhetoric and claims that the defining struggle in American history was really a simple, straight-forward affair with obvious good and bad guys. It’s all so simple, the writer claims. And then he dives into a long pro-Union account of history that is full of value statements and attacks on the South:
[I] t was slavery that had broken one nation [sic] in two and fated its people to fight over whether it would be put back together again. The true story is not a tale of heroes on one side and villains on the other. Few true stories are. But it is a clear and straightforward story, and so is the tale of how that story became so complicated.Of course, von Drehle’s claim that prior to 1861 the United States were “one nation” is utterly false. A federation of sovereign States that include many different cultures, languages, religions, distinct regions, etc. is hardly “one nation.” But this is probably the least objectionable claim that von Dehle makes in his piece. He lists several instances of brutality by Southerners, never acknowledging Northern brutality and crimes against civilians. He writes at length about the slavery debate but never touches on what many historians consider the central issue of the nineteenth century, the tariff. These are just a few areas where von Drehle’s article reveals itself to be a piece of pro-Union propaganda.
At the close of his article, the writer naturally quotes Lincoln and then writes:
[T]he path to healing and mercy goes by way of honesty and humility. After 150 years, it’s time to finish the journey.Of course, there is little in von Drehle’s article that is honest or humble. His entire analysis is misleading, sophomoric and partisan. Von Drehle calls for a journey to healing. The real journey that the writer and those of his ilk need to take is to a library, book store or online source of information. In short, von Drehle and those like him need to dig further if they want to get at the truth, which I seriously doubt is of any interest to them. One hundred and fifty years later what we continue to witness in the Time Magazine article and others like it is an apology for US invasion and conquest. Even after a century and a half of writers like von Drehle making excuses for Union invasion, the killing of over half a million people and the destruction of the rule of law and formerly voluntary Union of States almost half of the US population understands the truth about Lincoln’s war. And what about the other half? I guess they’re reading David von Drehle.
Note: Click here for another recent anti-Southern hit piece from the Lincoln Cult apologists at Time Magazine.

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